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Social Support

Catholic Outreach Services
410 N. Chadbourne St.
San Angelo, TX   76903
Hours: M-F 8a-4p
Provide food, clothing, emergency assistance with rent and utilities to qualified applicants
Christians in Action
1505 S. Chadbourne
San Angelo, TX   76903
Hours: M-Sat 9a-4p
Provides assistance with rent, clothing, and utilities.  Call to make an appointment.
National Maternal Mental Health
If you have questions and wondering where to turn, nonemergency advice can be received here.
Pregnancy Help Center
2525 Sherwood Way
San Angelo, TX   76901
Free pregnancy Testing
limited obstetrical ultrasound
information on abortion procedures, risks, and alternatives
A Woman's right to know
baby and maternity clothes
prenatal vitamins
Abstinence information
Post-loss healing (port-adoption, post-abortion, post-miscarriage)
Prenatal, Parenting, Life Skills, and Men's classes
Rust Street Ministries
803 Rust St
San Angelo, TX   76903
Clothe Your Neighbor
Closet on Wheels
Food for the Soul
Garden of Eden
We work with Concho Valley Turning Point
Disaster Relief
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
622 S. Oaks St.
San Angelo, TX   76903
Hours: M-F 8a-5p
Medicaid eligibility division determines financial and medical eligibility.  Apply for SNAP, TANF, WIC, and support services
Young Life
contact form:
