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Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We are located at 123 Anystreet, San Angelo, Texas, 76904. For more information, click here.

Am I really pregnant?

Typically, missing menses is the initial indication and the clinic will be interested in the date of last cycle.  Timing of appointments is made to coincide with this date.  There are low cost over the counter tests as well as clinic tests that can be done for verification at home if you wish. 

When will I feel the baby move?

Babies are individuals.  Therefore, some are more active than others.  Nurses in the maternity ward report a few ladies each year that did not realize they were pregnant until labor started and they came to the hospital thinking they were having pain with their appendix.  For those more active babies, look here for one example

I'm pregnant. What now?

At this point, this new concept is quite impressive.  You are carrying a new life for whom you will be responsible.  Consider how you want to ask.  Do you want emotional support?  Do you want information as to what is happening physically?  Do you want to know the developmental stages of the baby?  Do you want to know what changes will happen to your body during the baby's growth?  Do you need financial assistance for medical issues?  Do you need furniture for your room?  Do you need food? 

The answers to those questions will guide you towards where to go.  We have a resource page listed by subject for assistance in the San Angelo area.  Listings include: daycare, food/nutrition, OB/GYN, social support, hospitals, clinics, transportation services, legal assistance, substance use treatment, and national hotlines.